muay thai woodbridge va

Muay Thai | Thai Kickboxing Classes

Muay Thai Woodbridge VA

Utilizes All of the Body's Natural Weapons

Thai Boxing, also known as Muay Thai, is one of the world's most popular ring sports and is excellent for fitness training for Muay Thai Woodbridge VA students training at our school. This martial arts utilizes nearly all of the body's natural weapons. Featuring enjoyable training methods and easily learned techniques, the quick progression and sense of achievement make Thai Boxing popular with all students. If you want to truly understand how to generate a lot of power (the muay thai kick is the most powerful kick) in your kicks, knees and punching, this type of training is a must!

Two Free Thai Boxing Classes

Try any of our striking classes this week

Easy-to-Learn Kickboxing Style

Easily learned techniques are a central feature of Thai Boxing and create a sense of achievement and confidence from the very beginning of your training. Rather than attempt to develop your techniques of kicks, punches, elbows and knees fighting an invisible target, we make contact on training equipment from the first day. Target practice, whether stationary or moving has always been a basic fundamental aspect of learning how to function in the world around us, why should it be any different with martial arts?

Body Transformation

Your body will begin to transform immediately after a good workout in our Thai Boxing class, because of the impact and up-close aspect of the training methods. The resistance of your strikes, whether punches, kicks or knees, will "program" your body to work towards a common goal. The goal is a complete, harmonious body motion to do real work, which involves the whole mind and body.


Muay Thai Woodbridge VA Video at Trident Thai Boxing Instructors

Muay Thai is one of first training programs that we offered to our students back in 1998.  An enjoyable combat sport, that focuses on cardiovascular conditioning and the ability to take out the day's frustrations on the pads.  Finding a great training partner is key and the rewards are immense.

Thai Boxing is a serious Fitness Challenge