Jordan Bates
Jordan is a Black Belt Instructor for the Junior Trident and Lil’ Warrior Muay Thai Striking Class on Monday and Wednesdays at 5:00-6:30PM. He has been training for over five years here at Trident and has over three years teaching experience.
*Black Belt in Trident Martial Arts (Jeet Kune Do + Muay Thai) under Pat Tray in 2013
*Instructor, Apprentice Year One: Filipino Martial Arts
A few quotes written by Jordan*;
“Life is too short to worry and life is too short to be careless; Life is just long enough to be happy.”
“Fault is not a one way street; It’s a multi-lane four way intersection with no divider or warning signs.”
“Most recognize when a road converges or diverges; Few recognize that the same road does both. Even fewer realize the road never changed at all.”
“It is foolish to believe that man will last forever and it is foolish to believe that man will not; Why bother with two fools fighting?”
“The process of learning is expansion and contraction. It is ongoing. The only way to truly understand something is to break it down to the most minute details, but those details will inevitably lead you back to the original term and further into umbrella terms. The bigger you get, the smaller you must become; the smaller you become, the bigger you must be. We define to understand but in defining limit.”
“Keep things R.E.A.L. Our perception is only one side of an endlessly faceted die. Remember: Relax, Evaluate, Act, Learn.”
Here’s a quick video of Jordan teaching the Junior Trident Senior Thai Boxing Kids.
*These are Jordan’s quotes and are not to be taken at Trident Academy Philosophy, however, they are insightful and we appreciate his passion for learning.